As many Ipswich citizens are aware, John Bruni’s “Essex Pastures” project is back before the Ipswich ZBA. Mr. Bruni is asking for a 41% increase in the number of units in his proposed 40B apartment complex on Essex Road. When asked why this huge project is now even larger and denser, Mr. Bruni’s attorney, Peter Freeman stated “Prices have sky rocked and we need more units to make it economical.” Economical for whom? Certainly not for the citizens of Ipswich.
As in the past, John Bruni is seeking more waivers to local rules that were enacted to protect our vital resources and interests and the fragile Ipswich environment. As Ipswich residents, we have to hope that our Town leaders marshal their resources and whatever powers they have to prevent this grossly oversized development from permanently blighting Route 133, our portion of the Essex Costal Scenic Byway.
On Tuesday, October 18, 2023, the Joint Committee on Municipalities and Government heard testimony on bill H.2104 which would exempt local wetland bylaws from being waived under Chapter 40B. Ipswich ZBA member Benjamin Fierro attended these hearings and testified against the bill as a paid lobbyist on behalf of the Massachusetts Homebuilders Association. In contrast, virtually every Massachusetts conservation association, including the Ipswich River Watershed Association and The Trustees of the Reservation, supports this important legislation.
In his professional role as a lobbyist, Mr. Fierro is arguing against legislation intended to secure Ipswich’s efforts to protect wetlands and rare animal habitats so that 40B housing—like Bruni’s “Essex Pastures”--can be more easily built. If Mr. Fierro’s position prevails, towns such as Ipswich would lose the right to enforce local wetland regulations when up against 40B developers.
While we don’t begrudge Mr. Fierro his right to make a living as a lobbyist advocating for 40B development, we do question his ability to be impartial as a member of the ZBA when considering 40B projects such as Essex Pastures. As a resident of Ipswich, how can Mr. Fierro advocate on Beacon Hill against such a basic, common-sense check on the imbalance between 40B developers and communities concerned about their fragile ecosystems.
We should be proud and supportive of our conservation bylaws and the dedicated local conservation commission members who are trying to protect our beautiful and unique environment against unscrupulous developers. Ipswich is part of the Great Marsh, with tidal rivers, estuaries, and barrier beaches. If built, John Bruni’s 40B project will severely and permanently impact Ipswich’s wetlands, along Heartbreak Road, and beyond.
-Joyce Kippen